Money & Your Marriage

Money is a mindset multiplier.

And nowhere does this become more apparent than in your marriage.

If you’re inherently a good person, then money will multiply your ability to do more good things…

The more you have, the more you’re able to give and contribute.

If you’re greedy and selfish, having more money will simply multiply your greediness and self-centeredness.

With that said, you may feel that money will solve your problems.

Not true!

It can bring about a whole new set of problems that you never knew existed, but it can also alleviate most of the problems associated with not having money.

In other words, it can bring satisfaction and freedom.

It’s all in the way you view money, your respect for it, and your intentions.

My point?

Money is a tool that can be used for both good and bad…and either a reparation tool or destructive tool within a marriage.

Money itself is NOT evil…it’s the intention behind it.

If you want to be biblical about it, Paul writes in 1 Timothy, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil…”

Notice he writes, “For the LOVE of money…”

It’s often misquoted and misunderstood to mean “Money is the root of all evil…”

When in fact, money itself is not evil.

In other words, the intention behind what you will do with your money is what makes it a tool for fun, excitement, and pleasure within a marriage…

Or a tool for destruction, stress, fear, and anger within your marriage.

You can CHOOSE to work together to make money work FOR YOU within your marriage…

Or CHOOSE to allow the frustrations of money to tear you two apart.

Think about this: money cannot buy happiness…per say…but it can buy things that will make you happy.

Now, if you feel that rich people are bad or evil, it would be like saying that all poor people are drug addicts.

Neither one is absolutely true!

Look at the intention and use of wealth by people like Bill & Melinda Gates…

Their foundation has given billions of dollars to those less fortunate.

Is it the money that is good or Gates’s intentional use of the money that is good?

Obviously, it’s the intentional use.

And for those who are greedy and selfish, the exact same philosophy holds true.

Remember that motivational shift you read at the beginning? Let’s discuss that…

First, when you start to earn money in your life, you’re going to look for ways to make money benefit you.

Then when that novelty wears off…

You’ll begin to look for ways to benefit your extended family and friends.

Then when that novelty wears off…

You’ll start to search for ways to make your money benefit your community…

And possibly even the world as a whole.

That’s when large levels of charitable giving come into play…and sometimes charitable foundations are created.

And even college funds for your children.

But no matter where you are or how much you have, you can still give your time, a helping hand, and your expertise to someone less fortunate than you.

But personally, I believe in giving to those who are willing and able to help themselves…they just may need a little “boost” every once in a while.

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