Tweak Your Ears To Better Marital Advice

Do you feel like you’re wasting time spending it with people that don’t agree with your choices, don’t understand what you stand for, or think negatively?

Maybe that person is your wife?

How do you get her on board or influence her in a positive way?

Think about this: Have you ever heard that you will become the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with?

If you’re that ‘top’ successful person within your posse, do you feel like you could be more?

Simply put, if you want to be successful, you will need to start surrounding yourself with successful people.


Start listening to successful people.  Start doing what successful people do.

And when I say “successful” people, I’m referring to people that have created and nurtured marriages in ways that make you want to model what they’ve created.

If you want to have a thriving and flourishing marriage, are you going to listen to your broke, divorced, angry-at-the-world brother-in-law for advice on how to renew your marriage?

That’s a pretty obvious decision.

I’m NOT telling you to disown your family and friends…but LIMIT your time spent, the types of conversations you have, and be bold [and follow through] in your decision making.

Few tips:

  • Join Facebook groups of your interests and ACTUALLY interact with people.  A good example would be
  • Follow blogs of like-minded people
  • Invest in programs or courses that guide you in the renewal of your marriage
  • Join and attend a local marketing group(s)
  • Hire a mentor that already has achieved what you want to achieve
  • Attend a large event involved in your industry and make contacts there
  • Subscribe to an industry-related magazine or publication

Simply put: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES!!!  This is YOUR life and only YOU can live it!  You have to be a bit selfish and believe in yourself in order to achieve that marital success.

Even if no one else believes in you, YOU have to believe in yourself that you have what it takes to renew your failing marriage and turn things around.

No one is going to do it for you because no one is as invested in your marriage as you.

Remember, the best way to predict your future is to create it…

Create the marriage you want.

Create the life you want.

Create the legacy you want.


Are you up for the challenge?

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