Discover Why Men Call This “Marriage Turn Around” Training Bundle From The Leading Authority On Marriage Reconciliation, Philip Douthett, The Men’s Marriage Mentor…
Revealing How Men That Thought Their Marriages Were Over Are Restoring Their Marriages While Establishing A Meaningful Legacy For Their Families (Even After Their Wives Told Them She Was Completely Done)

PLUS You'll Get Over $19,997
All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!
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When You Become A Men's Marriage Mastery Member, You'll Also Get A FREE Subscription To My "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Exclusive Masterclass - A $97 Value FOR FREE!
What Other Men Who Have Renewed Their Marriages Are Saying...
Chad Dozier
Lance Bonell
Kevin Kennedy
Eric Vassar
We Want To GIFT You
Over $19,997 Worth Of Un-Biased,
Marriage Saving Knowledge...
Plus, when you say “MAYBE” and test-drive Men’s Marriage Mastery for a full 7-days, you’ll also receive a subscription to our Marriage Expert’s Masterclass… absolutely FREE!
I can’t emphasize enough how remarkable this opportunity is – it encompasses EVERYTHING you need to renew your failing marriage, even if your wife has told you that she is done.
Think about it – by joining Men’s Marriage Mastery, you’ll learn the timeless marriage principles and processes that have been instrumental in saving my own marriage as well as 1000’s of others.
Whether you just got married and hit unforseen marital challenges or you’ve been married for a decade plus, and are just trying to re-kindle the spark that you saw in each other in the first place, you can say goodbye to the “Marriage Whack-A-Mole” of constantly shifting from one “connection tactic” to another, trying to get her attention and love back.
That’s not all! The “My Happy Wife Happy Life” Myth-Busting Masterclass opens doors to a world where my team and I share the latest insights on why that old saying is a myth, and what you can do to change the power dynamic between you and your wife, resulting in rekindling the lost love, TODAY.
From live Q&A sessions with renowned industry experts to behind-the-scenes walkthroughs of what’s working NOW – your precious marriage will NEVER go down the drain again!

- HERE'S EVERYTHING - You Get When You Say "Maybe" Today!

Men's Marriage Mastery
Get access to everything I learned in the process of saving my own marriage – the step by step process that resulted in my wife ripping up the divorce papers, and then having 2 children with me. Whether you’re newly married and things are on the rocks already or in full blown divorce is happening mode, Men’s Marriage Mastery has everything you need to re-build the life you built with your wife, and renew the marriage you committed to with her.
I promise – your search for answers ends here. You’ll be able to get her back in as little as 8 weeks time, take back control of your family, and create a sustainable, loving, fulfilling marriage with Men’s Marriage Mastery’s full curriculum of best-in-class program.
You'll Get Access To:
- Insights from Philip himself...
- The Entire Men's Marriage Mastery Program...
- Argument Prevention Scripts...
- Access To A Huge Community Of Married Men Fighting To Save Their Marriages Too...
- Romantic Date Night Secrets That Work Even When She's Resistant!
Free Gift #1 ($7997 Value)
"MMM Live Recordings"

Get front-row access to Philip’s most coveted MMM Live trainings, which people pay $4,997 to attend and $497 to get recording access.
In these recordings you'll learn:
- Become a Desirable Man: Women will tell you constantly about how they don't care about physical appearance, or that they care more about the person you are than how you look. These teachings will help you learn what that actually means, and how to become more desirable through action.
- Learn How to Take Extreme Ownership: Your ego is a tricky thing because it creates the illusion that you’ll be fine if you don’t step up and take control of your life. Everything around you is present because you have made some sort of past decision to have it in your life – either directly or indirectly. Taking extreme ownership means that you are maintaining your integrity as a leader and as a man
- The Power of No: If we ‘compromise’ enough times, what happens? …We eventually lose sight of who we are as husbands, as fathers, as individuals. The simple act of agreeing to something that doesn’t fit your value system can be destructive to your sense of self-worth. Find out how to keep the peace without sacrificing your self worth.
- And So Much More…
Free Gift #4 ($497 Value)
"Argument Arresting Guide"

Get your hands on our most potent argument prevention techniques: The “Argument Arresting Guide.” This is the script that has consistently opened the floodgates of women’s hearts so that she will open up to you mentally, emotionally, and even physically.
It’s a shortcut for an immediate reduction in intimidating conversations that your wife seems to argue about every week. Stop these fights from happening before they ever start with this handy guide.
You’ll receive real-world examples of how this script has been successfully deployed, generating substantial connection with your wife, without yelling, slammed doors or hurt feelings.

"My Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass
This harmful myth is something that is commonplace in most marriages today, and even if you don’t think that it is right, there is a high likelyhood it is affecting your marriage and you don’t even know it.
Each month, gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes walkthroughs of our latest, most effective strategies for saving marriages around the world, and learn different ways to regain the trust and love you once had, and ensure that you are BOTH happy in the relationship.
No more one sided relationship dynamics – just two people meeting each other where the other one is.
Unlock Your Access To:
- New Walkthroughs From Philip's Team!
- Industry Expert Masterclass...
- Successful Marriage Secrets...
- The Secrets to M.M.M. Client Successes...
- Barrier-Breaking Keys To Get Your Wife To "Soften" Her Heart
Free Gift #2 ($997 Value)
"The Solo-Soldier's Handbook"

Many men are dealing with being in a position within their marriage that is not strong enough to maintain their position as a leader and provider for your family. I’ve been there personally and the feeling of losing your family without knowing what to do about it can be almost crippling.
From getting incredibly specific with what your ideal marriage looks like to identifying the trigger points that each of you have with each other’s behavior needs to be identified and dealt with to maximize the results you get from this program. By mastering this step we’ll be able to help you stand out as the leader you always wanted to be within your family and enable her to follow your example, without you feeling like you had to campaign to convince her.
Free Gift #3 ($1997 Value)
"The Reconciliation Roadmap"

Over the years, way too many men have come to me with their marriage issues and a long list of things that they have “tried” but have had no success.
The “Reconciliation Roadmap” is your blueprint for building your marriage the right way. Learn how to do what needs to be done, when to do it, why it’s necessary, and what result you’ll get from it, it has a feeling of confidence and strength.
Discover how I manage to create memorable marital experiences without her raising suspicion and thinking that this “is all an act.”

All You Have To Do Is Say,
"MAYBE" And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!
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What Other Married Men Are Saying About Philip...

Gerry D.
This is absolutely a phenomenal program! It changed me for the better! The guidance that Philip gives is solid. Be ready because he will give it to you straight. No-nonsense. Worth every penny! You will get a great program, then you are able to continue to get on going training, after you complete the program. Don’t wait another minute! This is the best program out there!!

Chad R.
Phil, and his programs have helped me significantly in finding myself and coping with the life changes I have been presented. Because of his guidance I have been able to navigate and overcome my personal issues, and be the best person I can for myself, and my kids.

Rick B.
Phil is a great guy, he definetly put together a solid program, I’m still working on myself and my relationship but I am in a MUCH better place because of this program. following the steps to work on yourself has been amazing and becoming the man I always wanted to be feels 10X’s better. Trust the process
When You Join Men's Marriage Mastery...
You'll Also Get A Hand-Full Of FREE BONUSES Including The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass Masterclass - A $97 Value!

Worth Of ‘No-BS’ Reconciliation Playbooks For FREE
All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!
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Test Drive MMM For 7 Days AND Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free
We Want To Do Whatever It Takes To...
Push You Over The Edge And Sign Up Today!
Listen, I know these teachings can transform any marriage, almost overnight. That's why I'm not holding back and throwing in MORE high-level marriage material... completely FREE!
Here Are The FREE BONUS GIFTS When You Join Today:
The "Reconciliation Roadmap"
I couldn’t let that take me (or the family I dreamed of) down…
Mindset on Marriage Principles
Even with all the right information, if you don’t have the correct mental frameworks for saving your marriage, you’re best intentioned efforts are going to fall flat in front of her.
To be clear – this isn’t some “woo-woo” bullsh*t, we’re talking about what I’ve’ learned from spending hundreds of hours reflecting on my journey from angry, frustrated, “solo-solder” on the brink of divorce to healthy, happy, and fulfilled leader of my family.
I have been able to enjoy the fruits of my labor, have a healthy relationship with my beautiful queen, travel whenever we want, and even gain a newfound perspective on life and love, all because I follow a simple set of mental frameworks for making personal and business decisions.
Join me as I take you through my daily routines, my marriage maintenance schedule, the reason behind my pole barn in the back yard, how I structure my work day so that work never gets in the way of my marriage, what a “feedback loop” is and how I use them to make decisions on autopilot, and so much more.

So, What Are You Waiting For?
All you have to do is say, "MAYBE" and the gifts are yours... for FREE!
YES! I Want To Test-Drive Men's Marriage Mastery Now!
Try MMM For 7-Days AND Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free

When You Say "MAYBE" Today, You Can Have ALL Of This...
- Complete Men's Marriage Mastery Program..............................................($4798 Value)
- Men's Marriage Mastery Live Recordings....................................................($7997 Value)
- Argument Arresting Guide...,............................................................................($497 Value)
- The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass Training......($997 Value)
- 50+ Hours of Recorded Trainings....................................................................($7997 Value)
- BONUS! The Road to Reconciliation Roadmap...............................................($2518 Value)
- BONUS! Mindset on Marriage Principles..........................................................($997 Value)
Total Value: $19,997
YES! I Want To Test-Drive Men's Marriage Mastery Now!
Try MMM for 7-Days AND Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free
So, What's The Catch...?
As I hinted at the start, I’m tossing you this never-before seen gift as a nudge to join Men’s Marriage Mastery and the “Happy Wife Happy Life” Myth-Busting Masterclass Masterclass.
Why would I do this?
Well, there are actually a few reasons…
2. A Milestone Celebration: We’re celebrating hitting the 10,000 mark! But for me, amassing notoriety is only part of the equation. What truly drives me is the opportunity to bring other men along on this incredible journey of love and reconciliation with their wife. It’s not just about achieving success through my program; it’s about sharing the lifestyle, the happiness, and the fulfillment that comes with it.
This is why I’m extending this offer – to invite you to experience the same transformative journey and elevate your marriage and life to heights you’ve only dreamed of.
4. A Gateway to Greater Things: Introducing you to my world is just step one. Achieve the results of these strategies, and you’ll be primed to explore the deeper, more potent layers of my offerings. Your success with my strategies isn’t just an endpoint—it’s the beginning of a journey towards our higher end programs, designed for those who want to go ever farther.

Test Drive M.M.M.
Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free
Why Time Is Of The Essence...

Test Drive M.M.M.
Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free
This is a limited offer, but even inside of that, there is REAL scarcity that you need to be aware of…
"Do you have a guarantee?"
You Bet! Matter of Fact, I Have THREE Guarantees For You...

Guarantee #1: 7-Day Money Back
I 100% guarantee you’ll love M.M.M. in 7 days or less, or I’ll give you a full refund.
You don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say “MAYBE.” Go through the materials for 7 days, risk-free, from the day of purchase.
Guarantee #2: No B.S. Support For Success

Guarantee #3: Rinse & Repeat...
I’ll put it this way to you – I guarantee that if you keep doing the same things that you’ve been doing and continue getting the same lack of results that you’ve been getting over and over again…
…you’re going to stay stuck and your wife is going to run out of patience with this whole situation. And she’s going to run out of patience with you!
You need to eventually ask yourself: “What am I missing here?” Well, the answer is right here in front of you.
How Can I Have Such A Powerful Guarantee?

Because I’ve done it myself. My wife served me divorce papers almost 10 years ago. Today, we have 2 beautiful children that are a testament to the effectiveness of this program.
$10,000…? $30,000…? $100,000…?
I know that on the other side of the fence is the divorce your wife asked for. The COST of the average divorce is 10x what my client’s pay for this program. Puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?
Here's What To Do Next...

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!
From here it’s just finalizing the details and getting your gifts ready to be sent!
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Check Out MMM For 7-Days AND Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the page, here’s the deal:
YES Philip!
- I'm Ready To Test-Drive Men's Marriage Mastery for 7 days FREE of risk (And I Realize That I'm ALSO Getting A FREE BONUS CLASS To The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass - A $97 Value FOR FREE!)
- I'm Excited To Get All of These Bonuses, Chocked Full Of Marriage Saving Goodness, In My Mailbox ASAP!
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Just A Few People Who
Implemented What We Teach

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If You're Still Here...
Then You Must Be Thinking: "Is This REALLY For Me And My Family?"
Listen, we would hate it if we became just another “marriage tactic school…blah blah” that gets dusty on the shelf… or saved somewhere on your desktop. No way!

Every week, you’ll learn the timeless marriage principles and processes that have been instrumental in the both mine, and the men who have gone through this transformative series inside of Men’s Marriage Mastery.
Then the “Happy Wife Happy Life” Myth-Busting Masterclass opens doors to a world where my team and I, alongside industry experts, share the latest insights on saving your failing marriage TODAY.

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!
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Try M.M.M. for 7-Days AND Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How Does Test Driving Men's Marriage Mastery Work?
A: Test-drive Men’s Marriage Mastery and your free Relationship Expert’s Masterclass for a full week and if you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund you 100%. No questions asked. Then, if you agree these two programs contain the best, most valuable business advice, and can’t wait to implement everything taught, then you’ll continue to gain access to Men’s Marriage Mastery, get NEW content every month from the Relationship Expert’s Masterclass and get billed based on the plan you choose on the next page.
Q: When Will I Receive My Free Gifts?
A: When you sign up today for the risk-free Men’s Marriage Mastery subscription, you will receive instant access to all of the free digital downloads within the welcome email. We host all of our content in an easy to use platform.
Q: How Do I Choose The Programs Or Events I Want To Join?
A: Upon confirming your Men’s Marriage Mastery membership, you’ll have instant access to ALL the free gifts mentioned on this page plus 8+ modules inside of the portal. Then every week, you’ll get access to the next week’s content as it unlocks based on the lessons that you complete and the progress that you’ve made.

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!
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Try Men's Marriage Mastery For 7-Days AND Get The "Happy Wife Happy Life" Myth-Busting Masterclass For Free
Q: Who Is This For?
A: This is for the self-starting man that knows that his wife and family are more important than anything else in their life, and are not willing to just “let it all go” and wash their hands of the situation in front of them. The man that wants to implement real connection techniques for demonstrable results. This is for the man that wants to rekindle the lost love, hear her say “I Love You, and I need you in my life” again, lead his family with love and confidence, etc. without being swindled into another “tactic.” by a guru who has never lived the nightmare of impending divorce.
Q: What If I'm Not Satisfied With The Program?
A: This is highly unlikely. Wait until you use your initial welcome gifts, and you’ll see what I mean. With that said, if you don’t find our business and marketing advice even the least bit useful… then you can cancel anytime and we’ll part as friends. 😉
Q: Can I Cancel And Get A Refund?
A: We want you to be nothing less than overjoyed with your Program.
The Men’s Marriage Mastery Program includes a 7-day money-back guarantee, so you can try everything out before committing.
If you decide Men’s Marriage Mastery is not for you, just give yourself a fast and easy refund by filling up the Refund Form inside Men’s Marriage Mastery within 15 days of your purchase. We promise not to give you a hard time.
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